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This project is a mobile multiplayer game. The game was made using Unity and supports both online multiplayer as well as local multiplayer on the same device. The focus of this game was to create an online multiplayer Android application that incorporated some form of monetization. This project was done by 3 members in a 4 month span.

Moberly: Bio

How I Contributed


I scripted and balanced the locomotion and obstacles for the game. I also designed the three game modes and implemented them. I also programmed the controls using the virtual joystick and buttons for the players.


I designed three maps for the game each with different positioning of obstacles allowing for there to be unique game play on each.


I implemented a score system that would calculate the scores based on the different game modes to the visual scoreboard on screen.

Theme and Aesthetics

I designed the theme and the aesthetic of the game to have a minimalistic style that was clean and had a very clear contrasting palette.


I created the sprites for the game that allowed for players to chose character avatars that could be unlocked in the in app store.

Moberly: List
Moberly: Pro Gallery
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