Mitchell Lee
I am a programmer who loves creating games. Even though I am often involved with engine development, I always enjoy being involved in the design process and scripting as well. I have taken up the producer role on several of my projects. Working in various teams with different people has helped me taught me about how to manage different situations. I have learned a whole lot through my time studying in DigiPen and I am looking forward to learning more in my career. Aside from developing games I love playing them as well. I like to try different genres and titles but my staple is shooting games. I also collect and assemble keyboards as a hobby. This site is a showcase of some of the projects I have worked on so far. Do contact me if you have any comments or queries.
Graduated from DigiPen Institute of Technology with a BS in Real-Time Interactive Simulation. (August 2016 - April 2020)
Technical: C++, C, Python, Unity
Graphics: OpenGL, Phong, GLSL, PBR
Physics: 3D box vs box, sphere vs sphere, box vs sphere collision & response, 2D box vs box collision and response
AI: A*, Behavior trees, state machines, procedural terrain generation, Machine Learning (PLA, Naïve Bayes, Linear & Logistic Regression, kNN, kMeans, Decision Trees, Neural Networks)